(Archived) How to get an overview about the current environment

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Get an overview about the resources of your current environment.

Table of contents

General usage instructions

The general usage instructions for the cloud managment tool suite r3 can be found here.

Step-by-step guide

Discover resources

r3 discover example
~$ r3 discover # Response Project: backend Company: root360 Environment: test +-----------------------------------+-------+ | Resource | Count | +-----------------------------------+-------+ | Ec2.Instance | 6 | | Ec2.Internet-Gateway | 1 | | Ec2.Network-Acl | 3 | | Ec2.Route-Table | 2 | | Ec2.Security-Group | 5 | | Ec2.Subnet | 6 | | Ec2.Vpc | 1 | | Elasticloadbalancing.Loadbalancer | 1 | | Elasticloadbalancing.Targetgroup | 2 | | Rds.Db | 1 | | Rds.Snapshot | 9 | | Rds.Subgrp | 1 | +-----------------------------------+-------+

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