(Archived) How to connect to root360 infrastructure via site-to-site OpenVPN

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General process

OpenVPN is disabled by default.

Following steps are required to enable and use OpenVPN:

  1. check and accept preconditions

  2. request activation of OpenVPN

  3. install and configure OpenVPN system

1. Preconditions

  • no IP subnet collision between infrastructure managed by root360 and infrastructure that is connected

2. Request activation of OpenVPN

Request activation of OpenVPN for a dedicated environment via change request at https://support.root360.cloud.

3. Install and configure OpenVPN client

3.1 Linux

  1. Install the OpenVPN client and easy-rsa using your package manager

  2. Create a Certificate Signing Request (see additional infos below) and send the resulting CSR file to root360 via https://share.root360.cloud/

  3. Get the OpenVPN client config file including the signed certificate from root360

  4. Copy the content of your private key into the config file (into the key section)

    <key> -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- ... -----END PRIVATE KEY----- </key>

  5. Copy the secret VPN config file into your OpenVPN system

4. Additional info

4.1 Create CSR

  1. generate CSR by running:

    openssl req -days 3650 -nodes -new -keyout <descriptive-name>.key -out <descriptive-name>.csr -config /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf
    • make sure to set valid values for at least Organization Name (your company) and Name as these information will be checked

  2. copy the content of keys\<descriptive-name>.csr into https://share.root360.cloud/

  3. send the share link into the ticket requesting OpenVPN activation


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