(Archived) SFTP

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Classic SFTP

With Classic SFTP we provide common usages of SFTP for connecting e.g. ERP systems to you

Change the password of an SFTP user

Use the following command to change the password of an SFTP user on the Jump / Gateway server:

sudo passwd <sftp-Benutzername>


sudo passwd sftp_user1 Enter new UNIX password: Retype new UNIX password: passwd: password updated successfully

SFTP by AWS Transfer Family

The AWS Transfer Family offers fully managed support for file transfers directly to and from Amazon S3. This is particularly useful when large amounts of data are to be exchanged flexibly and inexpensively, since S3 has extremely low costs for the memory used. The authentication of the users at the SFTP endpoint takes place via SSH public keys. The SFTP Endpoint is located in our Nat-Zone with two attached elastic IPs and an URL.

Requesting SFTP by AWS Transfer Family

If you want to request SFTP by AWS Transfer Family, you can do so by sending an E-Mail to service@root360.de or creating a ticket in the ticket system.

Required information

Required Information



Required Information



Public SSH Key

Authentication is done via SSH public keys. Each user gets his own key.

Up to 3 Keys/Users


For detailed AWS pricing see https://aws.amazon.com/de/aws-transfer-family/pricing/

For Root360 Managed Service costs please contact our Service team.

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