(Archived) How to access the Kibana dashboard of ElasticSearch clusters

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Access to a Kibana dashboard is subject to an IP-based access policy that limits access based on an AWS convention.

The easiest way is to ensure that you ask with an IP that is unlocked.

To achieve this, two things are required:

  • For you an SSH public key is stored on the jump server

  • You know the Kibana endpoint of your ElasticSearch clusters

The endpoint (default: elasticsearch-logs.<region>.<environment>.<project>.<company>) can be found in your root360 cloud dashboard in the elasticsearch section:

SSH Forwarding Setup

The first step is to build an SSH forwarding on your local computer.

In the case of Kibana, there are 2 special features to consider.

  • A forward to the dest_port 443 must be established, since access is via HTTPS

  • Dest_server is not the complete URL of the Kibana endpoint, but only the domain name

ssh -L localport:dest_server:dest_port DEINUSER@IP-DEINES-JUMPSERVERS ssh -L 4443:search-wswgr-rejnjdwdoygzs7ndopio46e3ii.eu-west-1.es.amazonaws.com:443 DEINUSER@IP-DEINES-JUMPSERVERS -N

You can find details for Linux and Windows in our tutorial.

Browser access

After setting up the SSH Forwards, you can now access it via a web browser of your choice.

Below is the URL that will work with you.

You'll also find the remaining part of the Kibana endpoint:

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