(Archived) How to configure Wordpress to support multiple servers

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The default setting for Wordpress has partial configurations that are not compatible with multi-server operation.

Mandatory changes:

Disable Autoupdate in wp-config.php:

/* root360 disable AUTOUPDATE */ define( 'AUTOMATIC_UPDATER_DISABLED', true );

Wordpress autoupdate loads files to the respective web server. In a multi-server operation, this results in a different project status and errors in delivery.

To update Wordpress, upload the new version using your root360 deployment.

Changes for higher performance:

The default way of running the Wordpress cronjobs is a virtual cron that runs on every page call. Deliveries can be accelerated by installing the Wordpress cronjobs into the linux crontab. For this, the default Wordpress virtual cron must be deactivated and the Wordpress cronjobs installed into the linux crontab using your install.sh.

Disable the default Wordpress virtual cron in wp-config.php:

/* root360 disable WP_cron */ define('DISABLE_WP_CRON', true);

Install the wordpress cronjobs into the linux crontab:

echo "0 */5 * * * php -f wp-cron.php" >> wp-crontab crontab wp-crontab rm wp-crontab


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