(Archived) How can my own domain be configured via DNS

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The load balancers in the cloud environment are accessible via a dynamic FQDN.
For example, [ project name] -1812372475.eu-central-1.elb.amazonaws.com
To add a domain to a loadbalancer, the device must be configured according to the documentation.


To use your own FQDN in the DNS, a so-called CNAME must be set. This requires access to the DNS configuration of the desired domain. A change to the DNS configuration is only updated after the TTL has expired. For a configuration change, the value should be set to a short period of time, for example, 300 seconds.

The DNS must be configured in such a way that a CNAME is set on the FQDN of the load balancer for the desired project for www. [Project name ] .com.

The configuration can be checked with the following commands.


dig www.[project-name].com 


nslookup www.[project-name].com 

You should receive a result such as this:

;; ANSWER SECTION: www.[project-name].com. 289 IN CNAME [project-name]-1812372475.eu-central-1.elb.amazonaws.com.

For more information, please visit AWS Configure a Custom Domain Name for Your Load Balancer .

A note about CNAME

Due to the rules of the DNS-standard CNAME-records are only practicable for subdomains ("2nd level CNAME Violation"). It is therefore normally not advisable to set a CNAME for a 2nd level domain such as example.com. The CNAME should only be used in the case of a subdomain such as www.example.com.

In order to process queries against the ROOT domain (without www) and forward it to a subdomain, you can either use the "root360 Redirect" service or you can administer the DNS Zone of your domain through AWS's DNS service Route53. Root360 will be happy to set this up for you.

Technical Description DNS 2nd Level CNAME Violation

The DNS standard (RFC1033) requires that the tree of the alias is not traversed when a CNAME is used. DNS resolves all requests at the target. If, for example, example.com is a CNAME, and there are other records, such as MX or SPF, set up for example.com, they are not visible because of the CNAME, DNS will look up the MX and SPF records at the CNAME destination. Some DNS implementations, such as AWS Route53 or CloudFlare violate the standard, but allow traversing the records of the alias. See also ANAME on wikipedia.

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