(Archived) How to invalidate CloudFront CDN

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This article shows how a customer can invalidate their CDN. It is also possible to specify individual paths that should be invalidated. The activation of this tool takes place on request of the customer. 

Enable Cloudfront invalidation permissions

To invalidate your Cloudfront-CDN on your own, request the access permissions by sending an E-Mail to support@root360.de or creating a ticket in the ticket system.

How to invalidate the CDN

The following commands are to be executed on the Natgw/Jumpserver.

List cloudfront endpoints and origin

Example list Cloudfront endpoints and origin
cfadmin ls #Output Standard Distributions Status Domain Name Origin -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deployed xxxxxxxxx.cloudfront.net <CustomOrigin: origin.DOMAIN.TLD > CNAME => www.DOMAIN.TLD CNAME => DOMAIN.TLD Streaming Distributions Status Domain Name Origin --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

List of invalidations

Example list of invalidations
cfadmin listinvalidations origin.DOMAIN.TLD #Output I2QN3CNUSL0QBX Completed I1IRI8NQMU78B8 Completed IANB3CVB310QVD Completed I1I2GTZ2MK8NFD Completed I2E2FIUHHHO9PV Completed I3KIUHHHHU7YWG Completed I278WÖGIOI5VWF Completed I3SOHHHHOM5N1S Completed I1BUHOHOIH9MCO Completed

Invalidation Example

Example invalidation
#List Cloudfront endpoints and origin cfadmin invalidate origin.DOMAIN.TLD /PATH/*

Show Progress of Invalidation

Example show progress of invalidation

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