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Composer is a powerful tool for configuring projects.

Values that are defined during the runtime of the composer over the runtime environment replace placeholders stored in the configuration files of the project.

Through this mechanism, a project achieves the dynamics necessary to install it in a cloud.

If you meet the following requirements, the Cloud Management experts from Root360 can deploy your project in the cloud using Composer.

During the project implementation, you will exchange the following data with the experts of Root360:

Usage of composer in during Deployment

Difference between composer install and update


The following steps happen during the install command:


Usage recommendation


We recommend to create composer.lock during your development process and place the file to your release.
The advantage is, that all package versions you have used for development and successful tested, are freezed in this file and will be exactly installed on your aws evironment.

With composer.lock you can simply use composer install in your .