Component description

The App Server Single is usually used as a web-, backend- or cron-server. In contrast to App Server Auto Scaling it is always based on a single EC2 instance.

The App Server Single is usually used as for web-, backend- or cron-server. In contrast to App Server Auto Scaling it is always based on a single EC2 instance. It can be scaled vertically at any time. The number of vCPUs, the size of the RAM and the network bandwidth can therefore be adjusted. To avoid data loss in case of server failure, all application data is stored on a separate volume, which is additionally attached to the App Server.


  • Code Deploy: Root360 Code Deploy connects the App Server directly to your repository, S3 Bucket or other sources and takes care of error-free delivery to your app server.

  • Virtual Host (without Code Deploy): Alternatively, root360 sets up virtual hosts (vhosts) on the server. So the application can be stored directly in the document root via SFTP or SCP.

  • BYO AMI: You “bring your own” Amazon Machine Image (AMI) - we provide a cloud environment to let it run securely.

Common use cases

  • Web-Server: A web-server can serve non-mission critical or non-stateless applications based on PHP, Java, Node.js and many more.

  • Backend- and/or Cron-Server: A backend-server or cron-server are integrated as a dedicated backend-server for CMS or online stores or used as a cron-server for undisturbed execution of long-running cron jobs.

  • Lift & Shift: Easy migration (known as “lift and shift”) of legacy applications via Amazon Machine Image.

  • Software from AWS Marketplace: Usage of software from the AWS Marketplace via Amazon Machine Image.

Currently supported versions


known issues

PHP Support:

  • Ubuntu Trusty (14.04) EOL:

    • 7.0, 7.1, 7.2 (all Versions are EOL)

  • Ubuntu Bionic (18.04):

    • 8.0, 8.1 (7.2, 7.3, 7.4 are EOL)

  • Ubuntu Focal (20.04):

    • 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3

PHP 8.0 does not support JIT feature due to an existing PHP bug

We support Node.JS versions based on Ubuntu Supported Versions

Java OpenJDK 11 - 15

BYO AMI in context of Managed Services

An Amazon Machine Image (AMI) is used to create a virtual machine within the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). Within the AMI, the operating system, applications, configurations, etc. are encapsulated. For that reason we implemented a "shared responsibility" model: You are responsible for everything "inside" the AMI, while root360 is responsible for everything "outside" the AMI.


For AWS pricing see Replace URL!

For root360 Managed Services pricing please contact our Service Team.

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