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The Deploy system supports hooks that are started before or after deployment.
These hooks are executable files of any kind (e.g. shell scripts, Linux executable binaries).

What are Deployment Hooks and how do they work?

The Deploy system supports hooks that are started before or after deployment.
These hooks are executable files of any kind (e.g. shell scripts, Linux executable binaries).

Hooks are not executed when a deployment process is triggered by automatic processes such as scaling out an instance of a an autoscaling group because of high load. They are only executed through calling r3 deploy.

General usage instructions

(For your reference: general usage instructions for the cloud managment tool suite r3)

The hook system is disabled by default and can be activated and controlled via options. You can find the details below.

Known Caveats


  • Using git commands in your deployment hooks needs extra steps. Due to CVE-2022-24765 git added a check for file ownership, but the local repositories are owned by a different user in the deployment process. You can work around this by using the following commands inside of your hook, before calling any git commands (adjust the <git path> to your local repository, usually /srv/<company-project-role>:

    Code Block
    export GIT_CONFIG_GLOBAL="$(mktemp)"
    git config --global "<git path>"

Step 1 - Show help context

Code Block
~$ r3 deploy -h
Deploy customer project. Needs to be run with sudo.
optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
usage: r3 deploy [-h] [-r ROLE] [--init-hook [INITHOOKDIR]] [--pre-hook [PREHOOKDIR]] [--post-hook [POSTHOOKDIR]] [--rev REV] [-n] [-m] [--sanity-check] [--list-roles | --list-sources] [-d] [-q]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            runshow inthis verbosehelp modemessage (use twice to be more verbose)
  -q                    run in quiet mode (only errors are shown)
  -p PROJECT, --project PROJECTand exit
  -r ROLE, --role ROLE  Server role to work on
  --init-hook [INITHOOKDIR]
                        TheRun necessaryinitial namehook ofscripts thein projectdefault to work on
  -r ROLE, --role ROLE  Server role to work on
path "init-hook.d/" or given directory (optional)
  --pre-hook [PREHOOKDIR]
                        runRun pre-deploy hook scripts in default path "pre-
                        hook.d/" or given directory (optional)
  --post-hook [POSTHOOKDIR]
                        runRun post-deploy hook scripts in default path "post-hook.d/" or given directory (optional)
  --rev REV             Specify tag/branch to  hook.d/" or given directory (optionalclone (git deployment only!)
  -n, --skip-update     Skip update of source code (optional)
  -m, --skip-deploy     skipSkip updatedistribution of source code (optional)
  --sanity-mcheck        only check the sanity of all components
  --list-roles   skip distribution of source code (optional)  List --revdeployable REVroles and exit
  --list-sources        specify tag/branch/revision to clone (git deployment
  List source details and exit
  -d, --debug           Run in debug mode.
  -q, --quiet    only!)   --list-roles    Run in quiet mode (only errors listare deployableshown).

Step 2 - Use hooks during deployment

Code Block
r3 deploy --pre-hook [directory]

The --init-hook option enables the hooks to be started before updating the sources and sets the directory with init-hooks. If no explicit path is specified, the path init-hook.d is used in the project directory (e.g. git-root).

The --pre-hook option enables the hooks to be started before deploying and sets the directory with pre-hooks. If no explicit path is specified, the path pre-hook.d is used in the project directory (e.g. git-root).

The --post-hook option enables the hooks to be started after deployment and sets the directory with post hooks. If no explicit path is specified, the path post-hook.d is used in the project directory (eg git-root).

Hooks are valid only under the following conditions:

  • The executable flag of the file of the hook is set. The flag must already be set in your deployment before r3 deploy copies it to us.

    • If you are using Windows and git, use "git add --chmod=+x" to set the flag.

  • The filename starts with a two-digit number (00-99) followed by a _ (underscore), e.g.

The hooks will run in the context of the project user on the natgw/jump server/bastion host. You can use any command in the hook that you can also use manually.

The hooks are called with the following options:

  • -p project: project name

  • -r role: server group name (e.g. web)

  • -e environment: environment name (e.g. test)

Example Hook:

Code Block
source /usr/local/lib/
function usage() {
  echo "${SCRIPT} [-r role] [-p project] [-e environment] [-q|-d] [-h]"
  echo "  -h                  : print this help"
  echo "  -r role             : server role"
  echo "  -p project          : project name"
  echo "  -e environment      : environment name"
  exit 1
# iterate options
while getopts ':hr:p:e:' opt; do
  case "${opt}" in
      log error "Missing argument for option ${OPTARG}"
      log error "Unknown option ${opt}"
# print given project, environment and role
echo "${project}-${environment}-${role}"
# iterate all servers with given role in current project and run a command
for target in $(get-instances-by-role "${role}" --output text | awk -F ' ' '{print$2}' | grep -v 'ip'); do
  # connect to server and run cache.php
  if ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null "${target}" php /var/www/cache.php; then
    # if command run successfully on one server skip all other
# do some more stuff

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